Celebrity Apprentice, Recap of the Season Premiere Season 4 Episode 1, 2,&3 !

Episode 1

Keisha really messed up not even inquiring on a long time old coworker, and somewhat friend, to sponsor her for this first initial challenge, especially when she is placed on the thrown of Project Manager. It like not playing your A high four of a kind and losing out someone who was played a three of a kind, come On Rudy! By not calling or even asking Bill Cosby, she really screwed the pooch for herself so unfortunately, even with the $25,00 pie contest judges by the cake boss, himself. I have to say watching Keisha debate was very entertaining, but she through her own self under the bus a few times with her honesty. It was mainly Keisha vs Kate Gosslin, and funny enough, they are both Aries women, going head to head. Keisha definitely was more intelligent, book smart, versus Kate, who seems to be more street smart. i think John has custody of all their kids still. He is an Aries too. 

Gerald being a cancer and all, he had a idea, and he stuck to it. It steamed rolled Jonas, but he wasn't the only one, a few people did that to Nick, he needs figuratively stand taller with a big stick, to compensate for his quiet voice, and literal height. Gerald was so cheesy giving so much emphasis and pride over the name alone, to bring them through victory. He came through, and I saw the lively foreshadowing of this by the way he picked the name for the team. Nick really wanted to be the project manager, he felt like he could of brought so many more people, because of all his followers. He did the best he can, and raised a lot of money. Lorenzo, on the other hand, only brought in $100, if I was him I would of at least out $1000, from my own pocket, just so I wouldn't look bad, such a cheap skate, he didn't even do that. 


THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE — Season: 14 — Pictured: Keshia Knight Pulliam  — (Photo by: Patrick Randak/NBC)

Episode 2

It's an organization commercial for yo9ur finances, online, new app called, "Neat" to use, like quick books, but way easier, apparently.  Kevin took over, wanted to be the project manager, since Geraldo didn't let him, and steam rolled all over his voice, but they all won, in the last challenge, and first challenge they all did. As for the women's team, everyone seemed to silently, and passively thrown Kate Gosslin under the bus to be project manager. One, I think they were tired of her, and two, they probably didn't mind seeing her go, if they happened to lose.  Kate was not as good of a leader as she should of been, but had Brandi to lean on, as well as other women, who wanted to do this challenge. Kevin on the other hand, beside his two body guards, Lorenzo Lamas, and  Ian Ziering (from 90201), and cock blocking Geraldo from walking all over, and steaming rolling Kevin again. AT one pint Geraldo and Lorenzo got a little physical, cause Lorenzo was being  fake, and trying to physically calm Geraldo down kind of disrespectfully, and Geraldo stood up for himself, and rejected his touch of dominance.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of team work, the Male team failed, and nick was sent home. Trump seemed like he didn't want to send Kevin home, but unfortunately for Kevin, he continued to make wrong decisions, and the last one was not bring Lorenzo back in the room to be eliminated, and instead Geraldo, and  Ian Ziering, which both had more of a variety of followers, than Nick does, because of Age , wise, and years in the entertainment industry  ,t hey both had over Kevin. Besides,  Ian Ziering, and Geraldo, are great workers, and are doing pretty good in the game, and Trump knows this. 


THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE — Season: 14 — Pictured: Kevin Jonas — (Photo by: Patrick Randak/NBC)

Episode 3

So episode 3 premiered right after episode 2, and boy I was excited to watch and Viva A Fox, was taking over this time, since they won  last time with Kate! Vivica is a Gemini, and boy she fits on to the Tee! Communicative, powerful leader, and creative, women in charge, and perfect for this, apparently! challenge! Unfortunately Gilbert Gottfried, put his foot in his mouth, and was a little too vulgar for the judges, which ultimate cost them the challenge, and Gilbert was fired. 


THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE — Season: 14 — Pictured: Gilbert Gottfried — (Photo by: Patrick Randak/NBC)

Ladies are tough this season, Vivica is not  a leader you can mess around with, throwing  gymnast under the bus for , "pulling the PMS card, and Cramps", because she literally said she was checking out, don't mind her. Vivica was like, Oh Hell No, to that, she is going down, them, "I will remember this, you best believe that!" And even though they won, she did bring it up to Trump! ,So the Ladies team is on a roll, 1 to 2, keeping on keeping on Ladies, doing a great job.  I am enjoying Vivica, Brandi, and Kenya, right now!


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